If you’re looking for a party post on Cinco de Mayo, you’re not going to find it here today.  I’m not in a party mood at all.


Today’s post isn’t about food, family, fitness or Duran Duran

but since it’s MY truth, I’m sharing it here.


I’ve been in a terrible funk lately and I can’t seem to shake it.




Rationally, I know all of the things you’re supposed to do when you’re feeling down:


Exercise daily


Pay attention to what you eat and drink


Get enough sleep


Connect with friends and family


Write down or talk about your feelings with someone you trust


Make an effort to engage in activities that you normally find pleasurable


and so on and so forth …….


but I’ve done none of the above.


I’ve been down this road before and it’s lousy.


I’m prone to depressive tendencies and usually do a disappearing act of sorts.  I wallow a bit and retreat.  It isn’t the best course of action but it’s what I seem to do.  It isn’t inspirational, motivating or likely even the best course of action but it’s the truth.  


An episode in my life similar to this one is what helped me decide to go back to school to become a dietitian in 2001 and it was a decision that changed my life for the better.


I know that selling my NYC apartment is likely the tipping point for bringing on this particular bout of lousy.  To be honest, I have many wonderful things going on in my life right now but there are many things going on all at once and instead of feeling joyful or thankful, I’m feeling just full-ful and overwhelmed.

Coelho quote


I’m off to New York this week to say good bye to my Brooklyn apartment, see some friends and speak at the A Healthy U Conference on May 10th.  I’m pretty sure that this little infusion of friends and some immersion within the city I love so much will give my soul a little revitalization – a change of scenery (complete with my favorite bridge), a possible run/yoga class and some comfort food certainly can’t hurt.




How do you deal with “bouts of lousy”?  What helps you move past them?