25 years.  A quarter of a century – that’s how long I’ve been with this special guy.

We have been together through college, long distances, a break-up, growing up, a child, a dog, a cross country move and so much more.

I’m so very grateful to have such a loving, funny, smart and supportive partner on this crazy road of life.  To have someone by your side who is not your blood but sticks by you no matter what is something rare.  I’m luckier than I ever expected I would be in this life.

For all of February’s faults for pushing the idea of romantic love, in 1991 February was kind to me and really did bring me the love of my life.  I look forward to continuing along the very adventurous path with my most wonderful partner.

As a child of an exceptionally acrimonious divorce, I never dreamed that a long lasting love and relationship could ever be possible.  I’m glad to have been proven wrong.

Here’s to another billion years!

Wishing you all lasting love today (and every day)!