Tomorrow is my birthday and while I originally had a very exuberant post in mind, my back has started acting up again and I’ve been indulging in my own little pity party.

Image by kalexanderson

Wild Boy is in a Lego Phase so…Image by kalexanderson

I’m frustrated that I can’t run and I’ve had to take a step back in PT but I realize that it’s a drop in the bucket compared to the fighters I know and have featured on the blog – Jon, Danny, Helena and even my guest poster Rachael so I’ve decided to buck up and change my attitude.

If these people can look adversity in the face and fight, I can take this tiny hiccup and do the same.  #13in2013 in San Diego may not be what I picture in my head but I’ll be working hard for me and for the fighters I know in so many walks of life.

Image by Bill Ward's Brickpile

Had to continue the Lego theme – Image by Bill Ward’s Brickpile

In addition to my wish of one day meeting Simon Le Bon (and if any of you can make that happen feel free to let me know), for this birthday I wish for more strength – emotional and physical strength not only for myself but for my friends and fighters who need it.

Make this Valentine’s Day different for you and the ones you love.  Show love to those both within and beyond your immediate reach possibly with a donation, a note or via unexpected extension of kindness.  Then take the time and look inward – your own heart could probably use a little love as well.