The blog is still technically on hiatus but I couldn’t forego sharing a recap of the very special
2014 Run Hard Rock Cafe 5K to benefit My Friend’s Place.
“Helping is easy” is an expression we’ve used in my household since Wild Boy was a toddler. I’m a helper by nature. I’m easily “called to action” and even went into the helping profession of dietetics nutrition to serve my dual interests in health and helping others. However after tweaking my back in spin class recently, I haven’t felt motivated to do much of anything but I definitely wanted to give my all to the Run Hard Rock Cafe 5K in Hollywood. The run was such a blast last year and I very much wanted to do my part to help the small but mighty organization, My Friend’s Place, in their support of helping homeless youth in Los Angeles.
I was excited at the prospect of being among friends during this race.
Some friends that I didn’t see were Jen@FindingMyInnerBombshell, Stephanie@Acti0926, and Jaclyn@JaclynMullenMedia.
Some friends that I did see at the crack of dawn included:
Sam Bangs (one of the first Friday’s Featured Females) from Fleet Feet Burbank and LifeIsBangin’:
My music and run buddy, Josie (the goddess who brought me to the Billy Idol Sirius XM show) and her friend, Wendy. Aren’t the shirts she made for the race adorable (Bring The Funk/Bass/Beat)?
Some local mom-friends, Jessica, Lynn and Wendy:
and the very fabulous Anne@AnneHogan (her recap is here):

Me with Anne
But I had no idea that helping would go to the next level when my neighbor Andrea told me that she had never run a 5K before. Getting the chance to help my friend through her first 5K (and LA Metro ride) made this a race to remember for me.
This year’s race was after Daylight Savings began so even though we missed the sunrise over the famed Hollywood sign (one of my favorite parts of last year’s race), Andrea and I got a chance to see Hollywood Boulevard in a way only few people ever have before. It was great venue to run a first 5K and Andrea really gave it her all.
Along the short out and back course, it was great to get a little boost from the homemade signs of encouragement and thanks on display at My Friend’s Place:
Andrea and I finished in 33:46 (10:53 per mile) which is absolutely respectable for a first (or a 1 millionth) 5K. We were both proud and happy to run and to be able to help the LA community.
The race may be over but the need for help hasn’t ended for My Friend’s Place.
This small organization needs a steady influx of money or in-kind donations to serve the homeless youth of Los Angeles.
On November 20th from 6-8pm, My Friend’s Place is holding an Open House in Los Angeles
If you’re local to Los Angeles and want to understand and experience the center where homeless youth receive services that help them to lead independent lives, click the link above to RSVP. If you can’t make the Open House but still want to donate, you can give money or find out the items are on the In-Kind Wish List,
If you’re not local to Los Angeles, there are organizations around the country (and the world) that would love your help. As the season of giving arrives, think about what you can do to help in a way that is meaningful to you. It will be mean more than you can imagine to the recipients.
In a gesture of thanks for your continued support of,
I’m hosting a Momentum Jewelry Foot Notes Holiday Giveaway for just you!
See Rafflecopter Box below for entry details.
What a great recap and love seeing you come up in my feed!! This is surreal for me too since I had a very vivid dream about my days in LA last night. Seeing the pictures of Hollywood Blvd was like actually being in my dream again! We’re so connected, it’s crazy!!
I love the thought and acts of giving behind this race and we’re definitely doing a lot of that around here this Thanksgiving!
Such a great thing to help!!! UGH On the back BTW – 🙁
PS: I won a foot note a while back but did not read instructions on how to put it on the shoe – broke it – DOH!!!!
Every year I raise ver $10,000 for the Epilepsy Foundation. And that’s not just during the Holidays.
Glad to see a post from you! That’s too bad about your injury from spin, I hope you feel better soon. And I’m not that big into races, but I can totally see how running with someone for their first time would make your own experience better. How nice of you to support this great cause too!
This year’s race looked so fun! Hopefully I’ll be able to do it next year.
As for the Rafflecopter question, I always have my daughter donate an unwrapped toy during the holidays to one of those Toys For Tots charities. I also plan on donating leftover goodies (from swag bags collected over the past several months) to a shelter.
It was such a great experience! Thank you, Melissa, for introducing me to the event. You make a great running coach and it really was a lot of fun (even riding the train at 5:30AM), lol. There was such a great energy there that morning. Oh..and don’t forget the Gingerbread Man! Hee hee. I hope to do it again next year!
To answer the question asked, I like giving presentations about the First Thanksgiving and its aftermath to local community organizations! 🙂 I’m an historian, so that’s something I know I can do. Oh, and I bake cookies during the stressful weeks of the semester for my college students (I’m a teacher!)
I would love to volunteer at an animal shelter during the holidays, but even more, I’d love to foster! I usually do some donations around the holidays to various shelters that hold a special place in my heart.
Thanks for hosting this great giveaway!
We love to adopt a family and shop for Christmas gifts
We do angel gifts
I donate to Feeding America; one of my favorite charities.
I love operation shoe box for Christmas! It is fun filling it up with goodies knowing it will go to a child somewhere! Nice job on the 5K looks like it was fun!
I am a nurse at a Children’s Hospital, so we always donate toys to the hospital during the holiday season for those kids that have to spend Christmas there!
I’m driving back to my second home today to volunteer at a no-kill cat shelter and a no-kill dog shelter for the next couple days! :]
A few years ago I volunteered with toys for tots. That was a lot of fun. I’d love to win this.
We help fill the needs of local families that have been adopted for the holidays. This year our kids are donating books for baskets that the church is putting together for families in need.
Great race and a great cause! Thank you for sharing.
I help clean the dishes 🙂
I host a free half marathon a couple weeks before Christmas and we always collect canned goods for the local food bank, as well as spare change for a charity I decide upon. It’s not a lot, but every little bit helps, right?
My family helps provide Thanksgiving meals for people in our community. We also sponsor a child and provide funding for clothing/gifts for Christmas.
We do adopt-a-family every holiday season! I love knowing I’m helping others who are less fortunate
We sponsor a child for the holidays.
Great giveaway and way to help!
I help during the holidays by staying out of the way. It is so crazy in our household it is easier if I just work and stay out of the way, haha!
Forgive my very late reply to this comment on my blog, Smitha. I’ve taken quite a large break from blogging but I’m getting ramped up for 2015.
Your fundraising is amazing. I know that you have a vested interest in your fundraising work!
I hope that the next time I’m in SD that we get to meet in person!
Hey Ashley:
I have taken a blogging break but I’m getting ready for 2015. Thanks for your kind words about my injury but I’m hoping to get myself geared up for a great fitness year.
Wishing you a wonderful holiday season and I hope you’ll participate and link up with me for my Goals/Resolutions/Intentions 2015 link-up once I get it posted.
A very delayed response indeed but I’m hoping you and your family have a fabulous holiday season and wonderful 2015, Jennifer!
I see sweatdates in our future!
Hope you’ll link up for my Goals/Resolutions/Intentions for 2015 link-up once I get it posted.
Forgive me for not responding to this sooner, Andrea. I’ve really taken quite a blogging break but I’m getting back to it now.
I look forward to doing another race together soon!
Forgive the long delay in responding to your comment. My husband is the main cook in my family so I absolutely get you.
I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and thank you for entering my giveaway. Stay tuned for future giveaways in 2015!
Thank you Joy! Forgive the *long* delay in responding to your comment and giveaway entry on my blog. I took a break but now I’m returning to blogging.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving! Thank you for your giveaway entry! I wish you a happy holiday and hope to see you on the blog in 2015!
Hi Mindy:
Thanks for your giveaway entry on my blog back in November. I took a blogging break but wanted to respond to your comment. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and I wish you a great holiday and 2015!
I believe we met at FitBloggin’ in 2013 but I hope we get to know one another better in 2015!
Hi Keri:
Thanks for your entry to my blog giveaway back in November. I hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Wishing you a wonderful holiday and fabulous 2015. Hope to see more of you on my blog in 2015!
Kristen: Thank you for your entry to my blog giveaway back in November. I took a blogging break but wanted to thank you for visiting I hope you had a great Thanksgiving and I wish you a wonderful holiday season. I love that you provide Thanksgiving meals to your community and sponsor a child at the holidays, I try to teach my son the importance of giving back as well.
Thank you for entering my blog giveaway back in November on I love that you host a free half marathon and do great things to give back to your community at the holiday time. Every little bit counts indeed!
I wish you a wonderful holiday and 2015! Hope to interact more with you in the future as well!
Hi Katrina!
I just wanted to thank you for entering my blog giveaway on back in November. I took a blogging break but wanted to lyk that I appreciated your visit, comment and entry!
I hope you have a great holiday season and that I see you again on the blog in 2015!
Thanks for your blog comment and giveaway entry on last month. I took a blogging break but wanted to thank you for stopping by. I’ll be blogging more regularly in 2015 and hope to interact with you a little more in the future!
Happy Holidays!
Thanks for responding! Everyone needs a break now and then 🙂
Hi Cora:
Back in November you commented on my blog about what you do to help during the holiday season to give back and I wanted to thank you. I took a blogging break and didn’t thank you in a timely manner but wanted to let you know that I love that you donate books for families in need.
I wish you a great holiday season and I hope to interact with you more in 2015 when I re-ramp the blog.
Amy Lauren: Thanks for your comment and entry into my blog giveaway back in November. I took a blogging break but wanted to thank you for stopping by. I’ll be doing another Momentum Jewelry giveaway in 2015, so I hope to see you again and maybe get to know you and your blog a bit better.
Hi Farrah:
I’m just coming back from my blog hiatus and wanted to thank you again for entering (and winning!) my blog contest back in November. I hope to get to know you and your blog better in 2015.
Have a wonderful holiday season and consider linking up with me for my 2015 Goals/Resolutions/Intentions link-up in the very near future!
Hi Sue:
Forgive the very delayed response to your comment and entry into my blog giveaway contest back in November. I’m returning from a blog hiatus and wanted to thank you for stopping by.
As a dietitian who used to work in a hospital, I also give toys to hospitals every year as my way of giving back to the community. I hope to get to know more about the mama who runs and likes cupcakes in 2015!
Happy Holidays and have a great 2015!
Hi Mary Beth:
Thanks for entering my blog giveaway back in November. I’m returning from a blog hiatus and wanted to thank you for stopping by my blog. Operation Shoe Box is something that I never heard of, so thanks for bringing it to my attention.
Read your “About Me” page and thought it was hilarious! I look forward to getting to read more of your blog in 2015! Happy Holidays!
Hey Kay Lynn!
Forgive the delayed response to your giveaway entry on my blog from November. I’m slowly returning from a blog hiatus but wanted to thank you for stopping by.
I hope to get the chance to know more about you in 2015 via your blog!
Thank you for your entry to my blog giveaway in November, Liz. I’m just returning from a blog hiatus so forgive the long delay in responding.
Wishing you and yours a fabulous holiday and wonderful 2015!
Forgive the long delay in responding to your comment and giveaway entry on my blog. I’m slowly returning from a blog hiatus but wanted to let you know that I appreciate you stopping by.
I follow you on Twitter and Insta and look forward to reading your blog in 2015! Happy Holidays!
Thanks so much again for holding the giveaway! <3 Welcome back from your blog hiatus!
I've actually been working on a 2015 goal list, so I'd definitely be interested in linking up! <3 I'll hopefully be not too swamped to check back regularly (oh, med school ._.), but if I fall off the face of the earth, please keep me posted on that! 😛
No worries Farrah. I normally ask people to check in quarterly but if you can’t, it’s absolutely ok.
Hoping all is well with you!
Quarterly is definitely doable! 😀 Looking forward to it! :]